

As a registered counsellor/ registered clinical supervisor


  1. Successful Registrants are eligible to print on their name cards, letterhead and promotional materials "Registered Counsellor (APCPA)" or "Registered Clinical Supervisor (APCPA)".
  2. The profile of the Registers of APCPA will be listed on our website or hyperlink in APCPA website to the personal website or information page of the Registered Counsellor/Clinical Supervisor. Chargeable website design service can be provided upon request.
  3. Successful Registrants will be granted priority and special discount for enrollment in workshops, seminars, conferences, etc., organized or co-organized by APCPA.


As a registered school counsellor:

  1. Successful Registrants will also be obtained Registered Counsellor of APCPA in the meantime.
  2. Successful Registrants are eligible to print on their name cards, letterhead and promotional materials "Registered School Counsellor (APCPA)" AND "Registered Counsellor (APCPA)".
  3. The profile of the Registers of APCPA will be listed on our website or hyperlink in APCPA website to the personal website or information page of the Registered Counsellor AND Registered School Counsellor. Chargeable website design service can be provided upon request.
  4. Successful Registrants will be granted priority and special discount for enrollment in workshops, seminars, conferences, etc., organized or co-organized by APCPA.