You have selected the following level:
Registered School Counsellor
- Must already be an APCPA Registered Counsellor
- An honours degree or more advanced degree in Counselling or equivalent
- At least 250 hours of individual face to face counselling with regular clinical supervision at the time of registration OR at least 400 hours of face to face group, with regular supervision rom a Counselling Trained Clinical Supervisor. Applicant is required to fill out form and have your supervisor sign and date.
- At least 1200 hours school counselling services in whole-day-school registered in Education Bureau, e.g. kindergarten, primary/secondary school, special school, tertiary education.
- Advanced-degree courses in specific subject areas (see form for details)
- The registration board of division of school counselling will assess on a case by case basis.
- Forms are only saved on submission
The price for membership is $10.00 per Year.